Ancaster Osteopathic Clinic

1175 Wilson Street East
Unit# 5
Ancaster, ONTARIO, L8S 4K6
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Nutrition and Orthomolecular Consultation - Dwayne Graham, RNC, ROHP
30 Minutes or 0.50 Hours
Dwayne Graham Osteopath D.O. (mp), Registered Nutritional Consultant RNC, ROHP
Dwayne Graham, The Ancaster Osteo, is a registered Osteopath and a registered Nutrition Consultant with a focus on Orthomolecular Medicine. As an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner he treats many conditions from migraines to plantar fasciitis. Dwayne is trained in all aspects of Osteopathic therapy including visceral, cranial-sacral and musculoskeletal.
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.

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Nutrition and Orthomolecular Consultation - Dwayne Graham, RNC, ROHP
30 Minutes or 0.50 Hours
Dwayne Graham Osteopath D.O. (mp), Registered Nutritional Consultant RNC, ROHP
Dwayne Graham, The Ancaster Osteo, is a registered Osteopath and a registered Nutrition Consultant with a focus on Orthomolecular Medicine. As an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner he treats many conditions from migraines to plantar fasciitis. Dwayne is trained in all aspects of Osteopathic therapy including visceral, cranial-sacral and musculoskeletal.
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.
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