Healing Hands Whistler

Welcome to Healing Hands Whistler
* Welcome to Healing Hands Whistler! We are available for same day bookings by calling 604 905-9468 or emailing to: info@healinghandswhistler.com . For advanced bookings, please continue to book here.
* We offer top quality "Mobile" service for massage and acupuncture treatments. A full range of services including Massage and Acupuncture are available at our Spring Creek location. Do you work and live in Whistler full-time? Ask about our locals rates upon arrival for your treatment at our Spring Creek location...
* Please note: With advanced bookings of larger groups (of 3 or more) we offer $10 off each appointment.
Have an amazing day! - Healing Hands Whistler Team
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You are Booking
Facial Constitutional Acupuncture - INITIAL VISIT 90 min.
90 Minutes or 1.50 Hours
Michelle Kaminski R Dr. TCM
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.

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You are Booking
Facial Constitutional Acupuncture - INITIAL VISIT 90 min.
90 Minutes or 1.50 Hours
Michelle Kaminski R Dr. TCM
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.
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