Dominique Ring RMT
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Massage Therapy
60 Minutes or 1.00 Hours
Dominique Ring
Dominique studied at Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy in Vernon.
Her treatment sessions combine a variety of techniques including Myofascial Release, Swedish Massage and joint mobilization with a focus on restoring postural balance and client education. She is inspired by the complexity of the body and its natural ability to heal.
Her treatment sessions combine a variety of techniques including Myofascial Release, Swedish Massage and joint mobilization with a focus on restoring postural balance and client education. She is inspired by the complexity of the body and its natural ability to heal.
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You are Booking
Massage Therapy
60 Minutes or 1.00 Hours
Dominique Ring
Dominique studied at Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy in Vernon.
Her treatment sessions combine a variety of techniques including Myofascial Release, Swedish Massage and joint mobilization with a focus on restoring postural balance and client education. She is inspired by the complexity of the body and its natural ability to heal.
Her treatment sessions combine a variety of techniques including Myofascial Release, Swedish Massage and joint mobilization with a focus on restoring postural balance and client education. She is inspired by the complexity of the body and its natural ability to heal.
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.
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