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S2F is no longer required to charge GST on any of their services.
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You are Booking
Couples and Family Therapy
50 Minutes or 0.83 Hours
David Ohori Co-Founder
Please reach out if you have trouble finding a time and day that works for your schedule.
Additional Information
David's counselling office is located in the Kaleden Community Church building at 443 Lakehill Rd., Kaleden (10 mins south of Penticton). Parking is located on the South side of the church building on Pineview Drive. David will come out and find you at the time of your session.
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.

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You are Booking
Couples and Family Therapy
50 Minutes or 0.83 Hours
David Ohori Co-Founder
Please reach out if you have trouble finding a time and day that works for your schedule.
Additional Information
David's counselling office is located in the Kaleden Community Church building at 443 Lakehill Rd., Kaleden (10 mins south of Penticton). Parking is located on the South side of the church building on Pineview Drive. David will come out and find you at the time of your session.
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.
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