The LaundryMutt, Wilmette

729 Ridge Rd
Wilmette, ILLINOIS, 60091
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You are Booking
Loyalty Program (Visits every 4 weeks or less)
Groomer 2
Additional Information
Cancellation & No Show Policy: If you are a first time Client and you are a no show for your scheduled appointment, The LaundryMutt will not schedule any future appointments. If I am a current client, I understand and agree that if I fail to show up for my scheduled appointment I cannot make another appointment until the full cost of the missed appointment has been recovered. If I cancel with less than 24 hours notice I will be charged for half the grooming/bath price.
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.

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  • Groomer 1
  • Groomer 3
You are Booking
Loyalty Program (Visits every 4 weeks or less)
Groomer 2
Additional Information
Cancellation & No Show Policy: If you are a first time Client and you are a no show for your scheduled appointment, The LaundryMutt will not schedule any future appointments. If I am a current client, I understand and agree that if I fail to show up for my scheduled appointment I cannot make another appointment until the full cost of the missed appointment has been recovered. If I cancel with less than 24 hours notice I will be charged for half the grooming/bath price.
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.
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