Alyson Jones & Associates

113-2419 Bellevue Avenue
West Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA, V7V 4T4
Client Policies
To all our valued clients.

Our office offers both in person sessions and online counselling sessions, although this will vary with different therapists. We are following Provincial Health Guidelines and have implemented the Public Health Recommendations and WorkSafeBC communicable disease policies. The health of our clients and our team remain our highest priority. You can book appointments using our online booking system or call the office at 604-926-6665. Please inform us directly if you need to rearrange or cancel your appointment.

1. Masks are no longer mandatory, but you are welcome to wear a mask if you should wish.
2. Arrive on-time for your visits. Please pay close attention to your specific appointment time. We have a small waiting room and seating is limited. Please let reception know when you have arrived. You are welcome to wait inside for your appointment if there is space. There is a courtyard if you prefer to wait outside.
3. When you arrive, you will find a table with hand sanitizer. Please sanitize upon arrival.
4. Due to health regulations you will not be able to use the office bathroom, but there is a public bathroom in the building that is open between 6am and 6pm.
5. Please provide a Visa/Mastercard/American Express Credit Card or a Visa/Mastercard debit card in advance of your appointment to be kept on file. Please note we are limiting our acceptance of cheques.
We no longer accept Cash or Interac debit.

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Additional Information

Time Zone: PDT
Week of September 22, 2024
Sep 22, 2024
Sep 23, 2024
Sep 24, 2024
Sep 25, 2024
Sep 26, 2024
Sep 27, 2024
Sep 28, 2024
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First select what you would like to book to see available times.