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30 Minutes or 0.50 Hours

April Abbonizio
April is married (Mike) and has two beautiful girls (Audrey and Avery), a beautiful granddaughter (Isla), and two dogs (Max and Marley). She was a dental hygienist for 14 years. After her second daughter was born, she had some health issues that were resolved by changing her diet and lifestyle. It was then that she became passionate about health and healing naturally and attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a board-certified integrative nutrition health coach.
Shortly after starting that business, she learned about thermography. She looked into it for annual breast screenings for herself and became fascinated with the safety, early detection, and efficacy of thermal imaging. She decided to incorporate thermography into her practice and became certified through the American College of Clinical Thermology, a program through Duke University. She is now a level 2 clinical thermographer.
Her passion is guiding patients to optimal health through the use of thermography and health coaching.
Shortly after starting that business, she learned about thermography. She looked into it for annual breast screenings for herself and became fascinated with the safety, early detection, and efficacy of thermal imaging. She decided to incorporate thermography into her practice and became certified through the American College of Clinical Thermology, a program through Duke University. She is now a level 2 clinical thermographer.
Her passion is guiding patients to optimal health through the use of thermography and health coaching.
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.
Choose a Different Thermologist
- I'll Choose Someone Later
- Melissa Fox
You are Booking
One Region
30 Minutes or 0.50 Hours

April Abbonizio
April is married (Mike) and has two beautiful girls (Audrey and Avery), a beautiful granddaughter (Isla), and two dogs (Max and Marley). She was a dental hygienist for 14 years. After her second daughter was born, she had some health issues that were resolved by changing her diet and lifestyle. It was then that she became passionate about health and healing naturally and attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a board-certified integrative nutrition health coach.
Shortly after starting that business, she learned about thermography. She looked into it for annual breast screenings for herself and became fascinated with the safety, early detection, and efficacy of thermal imaging. She decided to incorporate thermography into her practice and became certified through the American College of Clinical Thermology, a program through Duke University. She is now a level 2 clinical thermographer.
Her passion is guiding patients to optimal health through the use of thermography and health coaching.
Shortly after starting that business, she learned about thermography. She looked into it for annual breast screenings for herself and became fascinated with the safety, early detection, and efficacy of thermal imaging. She decided to incorporate thermography into her practice and became certified through the American College of Clinical Thermology, a program through Duke University. She is now a level 2 clinical thermographer.
Her passion is guiding patients to optimal health through the use of thermography and health coaching.
If availability is limited for the chosen service or provider, consider an alternative service or provider.
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