Exige Medi Spa

1(403) 918-8936
We are OPEN and by appointments only.
Please note:
- Please text us at (403) 918-8936 if you're unable to book an appointment online. We can reserve it for you.
- We require 24hr cancellation notice otherwise the full fee for service will be applied. No show will require payment of missed appointments and payment in advance before rebooking.
- We have zero tolerance for verbal aggressions and/or rude behaviors. Services will be declined indefinitely.
- We do not accept MVA or WCB cases.
- Please show up 15 min in advance. Late arrivals will shorten treatment time. We will not be able to extend the treatment duration.
- City of Calgary Parking rate is now in effect and Exige does not reinburse parking.
- A few of our therapists are allergic and sickly react to cannabis, tobacco, and strong fragrances; We reserve the right to decline services for health reasons.
- We are an environmentally conscientious establishment, your receipts will be conveniently emailed to you.
- We are a non-sexual therapeutic massage establishment. Any sexual requests will be reported to the police department.
- Please note we are a "Debit, Credit Card, or E-transfer" payment model. No cash will be accepted. Thank you for your understanding.
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Additional Information

Time Zone: MDT
Week of October 20, 2024
Oct 20, 2024
Oct 21, 2024
Oct 22, 2024
Oct 23, 2024
Oct 24, 2024
Oct 25, 2024
Oct 26, 2024
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First select what you would like to book to see available times.